I am…
Dana-Sofie Šlancarová
A Cycle Success Catalyst.
An entrepreneur for over 25 years.
A woman who understands the ups and downs of the female hormonal cycle and its impact on life and business.
The owner of a publishing house and an e-shop.
An author and a speaker.
The founder of the Cyklická žena® (The Cyclic Woman) project, which has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of women in the Czech and Slovak republics.
A passionate advocate for empowering female entrepreneurs to run their businesses in harmony with their bodies and hormonal cycles.
A firm believer that your PMS and period can be your greatest business ally, not your worst enemy!
Join these women and learn how to plan your month in sync with your cycle in just 1 minute! Download my freebie:
The Cycle Success Planning Technique
for Female Entrepreneurs:
Harnessing Your Natural Feminine Rhythms and Superpowers to Work Smarter, Not Harder, and Feel Great!